Mass Payout

Batch disburse to multiple destinations

When you need to process multiple payouts based on a schedule, Moneywave provides a single API for submitting a payout schedule. You can send money to over five hundred beneficiaries in the same currency. Payouts are queued, processed and send notifications when completed. Mass Payouts required an active balance as source of disbursements.

Setup an Active Balance for your payouts here

Disburse - Batch


Destinations and Amounts are passed as an Array.


Request Body

{ "status": "success", "data": { "batchId": 256, "message": "Disbursement queued for processing." } }

A reference is required for the batch and a different reference is required for each payout. All references must be unique.

The recipients Array would include the transfer details for each payout, see sample values in the code snippet below. Individual recipient format is described in single payout requirements.

Select a Language above ...

Confirming Success

When each payout in a batch is processed, a callback notification is sent to your endpoint. This url is setup on your moneywave profile. See Batch payout notification for additional details.

A disbursement is successful only when the callback parameters has the value below

"responsecode" : "00"

Last updated